Here’s another poll from House of Highlights. Who wins this NBA 1v1 tournament?

LeBron James – Cleveland Cavaliers
Giannis Antetokounmpo – Milwaukee Bucks
Shaquille O’Neal – Los Angeles Lakers
These four NBA players are of the most dominant of all time – all physical freaks of nature. But who would take a 1v1 tournament? And without fouls.
This is an easy pick for me. Lakers Shaq was the biggest bully, and with no fouls, he’s completely destroying LeBron, Giannis and even Dwight. No contest.
Shaq in the post, spin, plus elbow, every single time.
I do like the inclusion of Dwight Howard on this poll, too. The latter part of his career overshadowed his dominance. Orland Magic Dwight Howard was a beast.
Poll results so far: Shaq dominates with 64 percent; LeBron 23 percent; Giannis 10 percent; Dwight 2 percent.
I’ve got Shaq. Who’s your pick?
Check out: NBA 2v2 Tournament Poll
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