I was scrolling the NBA feed on YouTube and came up on this poll by House of Highlights. A 2v2 tournament.

Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant – Los Angeles Lakers
LeBron James and Dwyane Wade – Miami Heat
Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar – Los Angeles Lakers
Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen – Chicago Bulls
I chose Kobe and Shaq, because of Shaq’s pure dominance during that Lakers threepeat. In a 2-on-2 no one on this list is stopping Shaq once that ball is dropped into the post. Too big, too wide, too dominant.
The Showtime Lakers team of Magic and Kareem would come closest to containing Shaq, but I’ll give threepeat Lakers with Kobe and Shaq the advantage.
Who you got winning this NBA 2v2 tournament?
Check out: NBA 1v1 Tournament Poll
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